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The gold standard
in Spine Surgery

Roberto Bassani Chirurgo Vertebrale esperto in chirurgia mininvasiva della colonna


Membership Scientific Societies



Roberto Bassani Chirurgo Vertebrale Specializzato in chirurgia mininvasiva vertebrale



Dove mi trovi
roberto bassani nuova foto.jpg

Where I visit

Useful information for your visit

The patient is invited to bring any X-rays of the spine, CT or MRI (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) that may have already been performed.

It should be noted that after the clinical evaluation (visit), any other complementary tests may be prescribed by the specialist in order to better understand the specific problem.

Dove Opero

Where I work

Clinical, welfare and research activities are carried out at the IRCCS  Galeazzi Orthopedic Institute, both under the SSN convention and under the solvency regime.

The visits and surgical interventions carried out at the La Madonnina Nursing Home are carried out only under the solvency regime.

Roberto Bassani espero in chirurgia mininvasiva della colonna

+39 335 245289

to contact
the personal assistant

Dr.  Pamela Delle Cave.

Hours: Mon-Fri: 9.00-12.00

Compliance and guidelines

The site complies with the national guidelines on health advertising, according to art. 55-56-57 of the Code of Medical Ethics.

The information contained on this site is intended for informational use only, not promotional and not a substitute for a medical examination.

Registrations to the Order​ of Surgeons

Dr. Roberto Bassani is enrolled in the Order of Surgeons of Pavia with the number 8191.

Privacy Policy

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